The Olmos Family

The adventures of David and Catherine's life together

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I Got a Job

I'm happy to announce that I am the new resident activity coordinator for Lost Spurs Ranch. What’s great about this is that I work for our apartment complex. That means no commuting! 

My main task will be to plan an event every week for the entire community. I’ll also be running an after-school tutoring program for the elementary students living in our apartment community.

The after-school program started Tuesday. I have 12 children involved ranging from kindergarten to fifth grade. Most of them are very good, and I’m grateful for that. The community events begin next week.

This job position has been vacant for a year, so the managers are very excited to have me.

I love that I can work from home and that I don’t have to work 40 hours a week. I’m not opposed to hard work, and this job is keeping me very busy, and since it’s the dollar amount that I need to bring in, how could I pass it up?!


  1. WOW! Talk aout a blessing! Guess that's the answer to why nothing was coming up before you moved!!! So happy for you!

  2. Awesome! Sounds like it will be fun. =)
