The Olmos Family

The adventures of David and Catherine's life together

Friday, April 27, 2012

Break Week Vacation

This week has been break week for the Southwest students, so we decided to take a vacation. Our first one together other than our honeymoon. We’ve had a great week off. We went to Corpus Christi for about three days and spent two days in San Antonio with David’s family. 
In San Antonio we celebrated my mother-in-law’s 50th birthday. We always have so much fun together. David and I went to Sea World again since we have a season pass. On Wednesday night, David taught Bible Class and gave the devotional at the Shenandoah church of Christ. Shenandoah is one congregation that supports him financially through school. Afterward we went out to dinner with my brother.

It was almost the perfect time of year to go to Corpus. Our first day in town we made a surprise visit to the Weber Road church of Christ, another supporter, and spent a little time with them. They invited us to dinner that night with the preacher and his wife and the youth minister and his wife.

In between our visit and dinner we stopped by David’s grandparents’ house. Nobody is living in it right now, so we only got to see the outside. We also stopped by the cemetery so he could show me where some of his family is buried. We did the math and it has been at least eight years since David has been to Corpus. We went to the aquarium, toured the USS Lexington, spent about an hour on the beach because I was cold and did some shopping.

It was really nice to get out of town for a few days. Today we relaxed and didn’t do a whole lot at home. Sunday David is preaching in Coldspring, so we’ll be heading out there tomorrow afternoon.

Here’s a picture of us from our trip:

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Every quarter, the Southwest students take roughly 10 classes. The wives meet Monday nights for their own set of courses. This quarter our class was about how to teach Bible class and it was very helpful. We were all required to create our own lesson and present it to our classmates and teacher. I taught the high school girls age group and I chose to teach on purity.

Purity is something I really care about. I wish everyone held marriage and sex up to be as sacred as God designed it. I’ll try not to get too lengthy, but I want to share some things that I taught.

Statistics about Americans:
  1. According to the latest census, the average age of the American man’s first marriage is 28.4 and average woman’s first marriage is 26.5.
  2. According to the book “American Sexual Behavior”, in 2002 the average age for men and women to lose their virginity was 17.
  3. According to the Center for Disease Control, in 2009, the estimated number of diagnoses of HIV infection in the 40 states with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting was 42,011.
  4. The CDC estimates 1.2 million people in the U.S. are living with HIV infection. One in five (20%) of those people are unaware of their infection.
God planned for sex to come only with marriage.
  • From Genesis 2:18, 21-25 we learn that God created Adam and Eve for each other and each other only.
  • 2 Samuel 11 and 12 tells us the story of David and Bathsheba and the consequences they faced because of their sin.
  • Hebrews 13:4 “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.”
According to this last verse, are we supposed to sleep with someone before we’re married? No. Are you sinning if you do? Yes.

I’m grateful that God plainly laid out his plan for marriage and sex for us. He knows what is best, so I do my best to follow his design.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A small accomplishment

Something neat happened last week. I usually wake up at 7 and cook David breakfast and pack his lunch since I’m not working, and then go back to sleep for a while. Whatever I got sick with really got me down for a few days because I didn’t do that last Monday through Wednesday. Wednesday evening when David got home, we were talking and he said, “I guess I never realized how much you do because I’ve been really hungry in the morning and am spending way too much money going out to eat for lunch.” WHAT?! Did my husband just say such a thing? I mean, everybody enjoys going out to eat, but it does add up. It was so rewarding to hear him say that on his own. That means we’re becoming more responsible and controlling our money more wisely. I really feel like we’ve accomplished something and I’m proud.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My first post

For college I had to write a few blog posts, but I never kept a personal one. Now that I’m married and my husband and I don’t get to see our families very often, I feel like having our own blog would be helpful. Ok, I’ll admit that David has also wanted me to write one for a few months now. So, here’s my first entry. 

Last weekend we were in Corsicana, Texas. The second year students spoke Friday night, Saturday and Sunday morning. David spoke during the Bible Study hour on Sunday about religious trends. We stayed with a wonderful family and had such a good time! Other than waking up sick Saturday morning, it couldn’t have been a better experience.

Thursday I will be hosting a small get together at our house to learn American Sign Language. We’ve been learning for a few weeks from the wife of one of David’s teachers. She’s a sweet lady and we enjoy her guidance. So whether I’m all the way better or not, tomorrow I’ll be cleaning the house.

I’m not sure how often I’ll post, but I’m going to try to write at least once a week. I’m off to get some rest.